Monday, January 21, 2013

Excuses are like ________.

One of my pet peeves is when I offer advice or suggestions to people (one in particular comes to mind, but I shall not reveal their name) and each suggestion is met with resistance and a "reason" why this or that won't work. Yeah, well, I woke up this morning contemplating this whole weight loss situation and realized I was just like this unnamed person - making excuses like no other! It was like a slap in the face...and who likes waking up to that!?

I've been so snide at others success. Snide in that I'm just jealous. But why should I be? I mean they (again, one particular person comes to mind...different from the first person) have worked their tail off getting to where they are. Why shouldn't I be happy for them? I'm jealous because they kept on going and I basically gave up on myself. I got too comfortable, fear took over maybe, and laziness set in.

I would love to kick laziness right out the door and invite determination back in. I'm tired of making excuses. I'm tired of letting my emotions rule the roost all the time. I'm tired of feeling undeserving and unimportant. I'm tired of being tired.

So, it's time to do a little house cleaning. (Both figurative and literal - ha.) But I also need a cheering section. I realize some people don't, but I'm not one of them. Can I count on you to help cheer me along...again? Help push along, remind me that I am worthy of this.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Good News / Bad News

Good News:
     * Went back to WW last night. (It'd been a month since I'd last been to a meeting.)
     * Stepped on the scale -- the gain wasn't as horrible as I was expecting.

Bad News:
     * There was a gain. Definitely a gain.

Good News:
     * In the past 24 hours I've done a good job of tracking.
     * Even though I attempted to talk myself out of getting up and exercising this morning, I did it anyway. (go me)

I am determined to get this weight loss ball rolling again. I've gotten too "comfortable" where I'm at right now. Yes, I have lost x-amount of weight so far. Yes, I feel proud of that accomplishment. Yes, I think I'm looking pretty good (for the most part.) However, I still have x-amount of weight to go to reach my goal. I want to feel good, too, as well as look better. I'm not really so focused on a certain number (other than my goal weight), or a certain clothing size. I just want to look and feel happy and healthy.

So, onward we go!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's a Whole New Year...

...and I can do this. Right?

I've been such a slacker. Talkin' the talk, but not walkin' the walk. So, I'm pulling up my big girl panties (literally) and ready to nip this in the bud. (Is it bud or butt? Either way, I'm ready to nip.) However, like I mentioned in my FB status this morning:  let's not take the polar-bear-plunge approach. *ha* I'm more of a wiggle my toes in the water first type of girl.

I've come waaaaay to far to settle or to accept anything less.

Here's my plan for these first few baby steps:

1) Track, track, the best of my abilities.

2) Plan, plan, that I can track, track, track better.

3) Go back to WW meetings! I've missed going the past few weeks -- let the "busy" get in the way of taking care of me...and I'm very aware that the scale is gonna reflect how much.

Once again, I'm calling on you to please continue to push me, to encourage me, to be honest with me, to challenge me. Can I count on you?