Friday, August 17, 2012

WEIGH IN - August 16, 2012

Down a pound this week. For a total of - wait for it - wait... - FIFTY. POINT. FOUR. Yep, mighty happy, mighty, mighty happy.

Last week I started being more diligent about tracking. Not 100% yet, but better than I was. Plus, I decided to re-start the whole Couch-to-5K program. It's been pretty fun (and quite motivating) to compare the distances & pace times to last time.

That's all for now :)

Monday, August 6, 2012


It's time to quit talkin' the talk, and start walkin' the walk!!! I've gotten a wee bit lazy this summer. Yes, I can blame it on the heat of Hades for not exercising regularly (or at all, truth be told) and have allowed that excuse to filter down in my eating habits, thought process, etc. Not good -- and no longer acceptable. I MUST GET BACK ON TRACK!

I must track my foods.
I must make time to exercise.
I must quit making excuses.
I must remember how far I've come (not how far I still have to go).
I must, I must, I must!
