Friday, January 6, 2012


Well, here it is almost a whole week of good behavior. (I know, I can't believe it either! *ha*) I'm feeling very good about this, and I plan to do my best to persevere past the "honeymoon" phase.

However, I admit that I'm a wee bit apprehensive about the upcoming weekend. Can I stay on track and not succumb to the whole "I'm home! Shouldn't I be eating?" mentality? I'm going to do my best to stay busy and not be a clock-watcher.

I've been trying a few new WW and/or lowfat far, so good! Especially love the Egg Nests recipe. (I don't know if that's what they're actually called or not, but that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.) Very simple, easy to reheat (or freeze for later), a great on-the-go breakfast food...and only 5 WW points!

1) continue tracking faithfully
2) stay busy this weekend
3) continue writing this blog daily (it's quite therapeutic)
4) try more recipes (so as to stay out of a food rut or get bored with the same things)

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