Thursday, June 28, 2012

WEIGH IN - June 27

I know it's been a couple of weeks, but that's just how it goes sometimes. We have had a rough couple of weeks with the loss of Don's dad; therefore, I didn't weigh in last week as I was traveling to be with family. Everyone was so wonderful to our family during this time and it always warms my heart when others give selflessly - especially now. However, like my mother-in-law said, I don't care to see another ham again anytime soon! *lol*

I was much surprised last night at WW weigh-in to find my weight DOWN like it was. I'd lost 1.8 (one point eight) since last weigh-in, so all in all I'm pleased. This puts me right at the goal I'd set for myself and was hoping to reach last week (around my birthday). I am officially at the HALFWAY point!

I really need to get back to regular tracking (which I'm doing better at this week) and exercise (which is going not-so-well.) I just have no desire. I mean, let's be blunt honest here -- I hate to sweat. I dislike it about as much as I dislike putting my hands in dirt/mud. And it's so stinkin' hot right now that I'm sweating without actually having to exert any energy whatsoever! The heat/humidity is so oppressive.

I actually set out workout clothes last night and set my alarm to get up at 5:30 to go for a walk. I had no intention of jogging yet, but thought a walk would at least get me moving and outdoors -- and to beat the heat. Yeah, not so much. I got up at that time, looked to see what the temp was and turned off my alarm and crawled back into bed where I snoozed quite nicely until 6:20. (Disclaimer:  I also had the beginnings of a nice headache when I got up. And after that freaky monocular migraine yesterday -- followed by a nasty headache the rest of the day -- I didn't want to risk going out for a walk alone.)

So, I rejoice in having reached my HALFWAY GOAL and pray for cooler weather so that I can get outside and enjoy it a little bit. (Because I hate working out in our basement...booooring!)

1 comment:

  1. Good job!!! And the only decent time to exercise is bright and early!!! 5 or 6 am! It's still hot and sticky but not as bad.
