Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Cup Runneth Over...literally

Someone please explain to me how one can lose almost 50 pounds and NOT go down in cup size!?

**NOTE:  if you're one of those gals who:  (a) complains about small boobs, and/or (b) complains about "that's where I lose weight first", then just shut your yammers! I don't wanna hear your sob story. Until you've had big boobs (and by big, I mean non-pregnant D cup or larger) you honestly don't have a clue what you're talking about.  *big smile*

I have always, always, always had big boobs. Even when I weighed 100 pounds soaking wet, I was a C cup. And before you ask, yes, I have checked into reduction surgery. Yeah, they kinda want money for that...lots and lots of it. (And the only way my insurance would cover such a procedure would be for reconstruction purposes due to a cancer-related mastectomy. Not something I'd like to experience.) No, they no longer accept a doctor's note about headaches & spine/shoulder malformations, etc.

I went shopping over my lunch hour to try and find a new bra. All of my current bras are lose, with exception of the cup. So I'm glad about having lost inches there. However, bra shopping is not something I enjoy. It is a chore...kind of like ironing or dusting. (And I highly dislike those and don't do them nearly often enough.) Now, finding a bra for the truly full-busted gal is extremely difficult. I can usually find what I think I'd like online, but why on earth would anyone spend that amount of mega-bucks without trying it on? I mean, seriously!

Just for kicks-n-giggles (neither of which actually happened) I tried on one of those balconette styles. The tag said it was for full-busted, so I thought "what the heck". Ummmm...yeah, that did not even come close to working. How anyone with any size breasts could wear one of those is beyond me. I mean I would always be tugging at it, trying to pull it up to cover the top, even though it's designed to be somewhat sexy I guess. THERE IS NOTHING SEXY ABOUT THESE THINGS! (On a side note, I've never understood a guys fascination with boobs...but that's another story.) I then tried on one that promised "amazing lift". Ummmm...for boobs this size the bra would have to be industrial strength and come with wheelbarrows! And how much lift do I really want? I swear my boobs go from the bottom of my neck to where my waist used to be! If they're to be lifted then I would be able to see. :)

Therefore, I did not find a much-needed bra. *sigh* I think Bette Midler got it right in the movie Beaches ("Otto Titsling") --

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