Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Operation: Determination

What a beautiful day! The birds were chirping this morning, the sun is shining, it's a cool, crisp spring morning. I'm even looking forward to going for another walk tonight - and hope to add in a little light jogging back into the program. I hope to be back to where I left off in my Couch-2-5K training by the weekend.

Yesterday I kept up with my WW tracking and already off to a good start on it today, too. :)  In the midst of my slump the past few weeks, I let that slide, too. It's too easy for me still to slip back into old, not-good habits...and I've come much too far to let that happen! So, it's back to those good habits and motivation techniques that have helped me so far. In fact, I saw this motivational picture this morning and it speaks volumes:

I am DETERMINED to keep the faith. I am DETERMINED to stay focused and on track. I am DETERMINED to succeed.

Baby steps. One foot in front of the other. And if/when I do falter, then to pick myself right back up, dust off, and take one more step forward.

(And just so you know, I do expect to see a loss on the scale tomorrow night. I don't care how much - just as long as it goes down.)

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