Thursday, March 29, 2012

WEIGH IN - Wed 3/28

Are you ready for this!? Are you!? Really!?


I know! I can't believe it either!

I am so close to being under 200 that I can hardly stand it! It's mind-blowing to think I've lost a little over 36 pounds -- and a little over 20 of that has been just since January! This weekend will be April 1st and I will post new pictures to compare to the old ones. (Yes, I realize that I didn't get any posted for March 1st as planned -- I took them but accidentally deleted them from the camera before I could get them downloaded to the computer. Sometimes me and technology have this love-hate relationship.)

I am so pumped and excited and energized and determined and...  Well, you get the idea.

I have to attribute some of the "extra" weight loss (meaning more than 1 lb a week) to exercising more. I am self-training for the Mother's Day 5K in Moberly. (I highly recommend downloading the Couch-2-5K app if you want a realistic, do-able approach to running. I am in no way one of those fast runners. In fact, there are walkers who probably can lap me! *ha* But I'm okay with that. I'm not doing this for speed or anything like that, but it is a good workout.) I also dug out an old Biggest Loser workout video and started it. I have found it's working a lot of muscles that I forgot were even there...even though there are some things I cannot do, such as get down on my knees. (Actually, it's just one knee...can't put any direct pressure/weight on it, such as kneeling. Other than that it doesn't bother me at all. It's numb the rest of the time. Kinda weird.)

Anyway, my workout "plan" is to do the 5K training three times a week and the BL video two times a week, allowing my body to rest (more like fully recover! *ha*) on Wednesdays and either Saturday/Sunday. I think it's a good start for me and something I can work with.

Again, I thank each of you for your support! It's inspiring and incredibly helpful. Love ya'll :)

P.S.  I forgot to give a shout out to having friends (Kara & Colby) join WW last night! I'm so happy they've started this journey and that maybe, just maybe, I can help and encourage them along the way.


  1. woo hoo way to go!!!! I'll run Mothers Day with ya, I'll just be back up to 3 miles by then!

  2. Sounds good, Kim! (Don't let me slow you down.)
